These are cover illustrations I worked on for Asia Art Archive's online journal relaunch: Like a Fever. I made images for the 'Stakes of Naming' and 'And We Begin Again' series, as well as a couple overall banner images for the website. All the images are linked to their accompanying piece, and you can also find the website by clicking on the thermometer.
I want to name that... [Larissa Pham]
Design Notes:
In defense of the dad joke [Andrea Chu]
Sydney's Omelette [Koel Chu]
Sunita [Jiaqi Kang]
@silvermuon: an avatar, an invitation
Elsewhere [Urvi Kumbhat]
The grave in every name, or how else to be a good melancholic? [Kang Kang]
so close, yet so off [Karen Cheung]
Sacks and Skins, or a Bag Full of Holes [Summer Kim Lee]
Temporal Text [Furen Dai]
Misalignment [Urvi Kumbhat]
Bloodhounds Manifesto [Paul C. Fermin & Sam Chan]
The Stakes of Naming
A Scream and a Whisper [Yaniya Lee]
Pokfulam Blues [Holmes Chan]